ANALYSIS | 'Yes, we should prioritise green hydrogen use in hard-to-abate sectors, but we also have to be pragmatic'

Just replacing existing uses of grey hydrogen is a trillions-of-dollars opportunity, but politics and practicalities may mean we need to use clean H2 in less efficient ways, conference told

(Left to right): Australian Hydrogen Council CEO Fiona Simon, SLB's Yoshi Saito and the CEFC's Rupert Maloney speaking at the Asia-Pacific Hydrogen Summit in Sydney last Friday.
(Left to right): Australian Hydrogen Council CEO Fiona Simon, SLB's Yoshi Saito and the CEFC's Rupert Maloney speaking at the Asia-Pacific Hydrogen Summit in Sydney last Friday.Photo: Sustainable Energy Council
Published 2 November 2023, 08:58Updated 2 November 2023, 08:58
fertiliserChemicalsgreen steelShippingAviation